NeedleArt is no Count Cross Stitch and we sell the fantastic Kits, and as the name implies, no-count cross stitch is cross-stitch without the counting!
Time-Saving! No need to count or refer to the paper chart to find your place.
Easy & Fun! Immediately identify each area of colour to stitch. Now it is easy and fun to plan the progress of your work.
Practical! Gridlines are printed on the fabric at every 10 square intervals.
Streamlined! The symbol key is printed on the fabric piece right beside your design.
Relaxing! Stitching directly on the fabric without having to count is more relaxing for the eyes and the mind.
Thinking Ahead! Immediately see the size and scope of your whole design on the fabric piece, making it easy to plan framing and display space in advance.
Threads are pre-sorted.
Watch this space, as we add more NeedleArt products for you to try.